September 3, 2019

September 3, 2019
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Greg Lukasik of GreatWest Engineering met with Commissioners regarding the Delivering Local Assistance Grants authorized by HB652. The Grants provide up to $1.5 Million in funding per County for infrastructure projects. Greg is representing the Roberts Water and Sewer District which is looking at applying for a grant for their pump house. He noted the Town of Fromberg and City of Red Lodge may also be applying for funding. Commissioner Bullock and Commissioner DeArmond agreed the municipalities and water/sewer districts have a greater need than the County at this time.
Commissioner Bullock moved to open the public hearing on the 2019-2020 preliminary budget. Commissioners discussed the Fair budget increase of 140% over the 2018-2019 budget; Commissioners agreed the Fair Board’s formal improvement plan justifies the higher expenses.
Commissioner Bullock noted he had started a conversation with Yellowstone Dog Sports about potentially housing dogs; they will think about rent charges.
9:00 Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall met with Commissioners to discuss potential changes to her budget and changing the position that had preliminarily been added to her office. Commissioner Blain noted the Commissioners have concerns about Angela’s work load. Commissioner Bullock noted the added position is still intended to offload some tasks that have been given to the Clerk and Recorder’s office but believe Angela should oversee this employee. Kris asked if Commissioners would like to consider creating a finance department; Commissioners were not sure if it was necessary at this time. Kris noted historically Commissioners took their minutes unless there was a larger item then the Clerk would take minutes; historically the Administrator did not take minutes. Kris and Commissioners discussed some possible duties that could be shifted back to Commissioner staff such as road permits, management of Commissioner appointees to boards, and filing and records preservation projects. Kris expressed some concerns about the continuity of her office with upcoming retirements. Kris and Commissioners agreed a secretarial position may better serve both offices. Commissioners would like the position moved to their Administrative Services accounting line for budget purposes.
10:00 Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the WIC agreement; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.

Sanitarian in Training Cortney Lynde met with Commissioners for her monthly report. She has received 27 septic applications and performed 14 septic inspections this year to date. She noted she is also on track to finalize license establishment inspections by the end of the year. Cortney plans to attend the Montana Environmental Health Association Conference in September. She has also submitted her application to sit for the Registered Sanitarian test; once her application is approved, she will be able to schedule the test.
10:30 DES Coord. / Fire Warden Tom Kohley met for monthly report. Tom noted we are waiting on the tower manufacturer to finalize the Bridger radio tower site.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve employee time as submitted; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
11:00 Beartooth RC&D Executive Director Joel Bertolino and Economic Development Director Steve Simonson met with Commissioners regarding the jail facilities discussion. Joliet Mayor Gary Gray was also present. Commissioner Bullock noted Commissioner have toured Yellowstone, Lewis and Clark, and Broadwater County jails. There was a discussion regarding jail connections to city sewer systems and issues that the facilities have had with waste water and sewage as inmates often flush items to create issues. Mayor Gray noted the Town of Joliet could accommodate the additional capacity if the jail facility was located in the Town.
11:15 Commissioner Bullock left the meeting to meet with the Bridger Seniors.
There was a discussion regarding the best ways to inform the public regarding jail planning efforts; Steve noted Beartooth RC&D would be happy to help facilitate the community advocacy group. There was a discussion regarding possible funding sources for jail construction; Steve noted there are disaster funds for region that can be accessed for economic development.
12:00 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer