NOTICE: NEW BURN PERMIT SYSTEM - Purchase a 2025 burn permit starting Jan 1

September 8, 2020

September 8, 2020

Commissioner Bill Bullock; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

9:15 Commissioner Scott Blain, Scott Miller and Gordon Sirrine (tele-conference) joined the meeting. Discussion regarding County Fire Boards. Commissioner Bullock moved to re-appoint all expired Fire Board members; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried:
Board Member Expiration
Fire District #1 Joliet Doug Schwend 5/31/2023
Fire District #1 Joliet Stephanie Suko 5/31/2023
Fire District #2 Bridger Brad Dorvall 5/31/2022
Fire District #2 Bridger Roger Webber 5/31/2022
Fire District #2 Bridger Mark Richards 5/31/2023
Fire District #2 Bridger David Althoff 5/31/2023
Fire District #3 Fromberg Everett Edwards 5/31/2022
Fire District #3 Fromberg Link Dorvall 5/31/2023
Fire District #4 Edgar Bobby Heil 5/31/2023
Fire District #5 Roscoe J.O. Hash 5/31/2023
Fire District #5 Roscoe Monte Ostrum 5/31/2023
Fire District #6 Roberts Deb Hill 5/31/2023
Fire District #6 Roberts Sarah Walila 5/31/2023
Fire District #7 Red Lodge Elizabeth Graham 5/31/2023
Fire District #8 Whitehorse Kyle Hoferer 5/31/2022
Fire District #8 Whitehorse Kevin Wilkerson 5/31/2022
Fire District #8 Whitehorse Levi Muhs 5/31/2023
Fire District #9 Belfry Wally Papez 5/31/2022
Fire District #9 Belfry Quentin Taylor 5/31/2023

9:40 Sirrine departed the meeting.

Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Claims for August 2020; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

10:00 Sheriff’s Deputy Kelly Carrington, Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator Tom Kohley, and Brent Moore of Interstate Engineering joined the meeting to discuss the radio system improvement priorities pertaining to the Capital Improvement Plan. Carrington felt that improving the Rock Creek tower site is the greatest priority to eliminate current coverage gaps and reported that Dunne/Codan concurred that it would be the greatest gain without adding a new site. Commissioners expressed next prioritization of the Warren solar tower site, then the Roscoe tower site, and then enhancing Internet for the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at the fairgrounds; Carrington concurred. Newell discussed funding opportunities and Commissioner Blain offered the option of using Wind Impact Fee interest funds for the Warren site in 2021-2022. The Roscoe site could be spread over two fiscal years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 with grant funding. Commissioners and Carrington concurred that the Internet upgrade at the EOC was the lowest priority, especially with deployable contracted cell service available in the case of a local forest fire. Moore stated that typically grants cover 20% of costs; County assumes rest.

10:45 Discussion regarding COVID-19 CARES Act funding that was designated by the Federal government to be passed through the States and disbursed to local jurisdictions; Commissioners will contact state representatives to encourage disbursement from the State level (45% of the aid received by the State was supposed to be distributed to local jurisdictions per Congressman Greg Gianforte).

11:00 Superintendent of Schools Lori Kane and Treasurer Lori Lynde joined the meeting to present school budgets. Discussion that bus transportation budgets have been affected by COVID-19. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve School District Budget Reports for FY20-21; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

12:00 Adjourned.

1:00 Meeting resumed to conduct interviews for DES Coordinator position. Commissioners Blain and Bullock, Newell, Daniel, Kohley, and Sheriff Josh McQuillan in attendance. Cyrina Allen and Melinda Burns (tele-conference) interviewed.